Things Millenial men do that annoy women

Men just like women evolve with every generation, some for the better and some for the worse. This article is a fun look into some things the men of the millenial generation do to annoy the women that may or even may not be interested in them and soemtimes even dating them. This is a completely subjective view and may vary female to female. But hey anything to help men get some insite into how they can better finess their ways into a woman's heart helps, correct! So, without further adue, here are a few things men of the millenial generation do to annoy women: They are a bit too shallow Now, this is seriously something that can go both ways across the gender annoyance scale, however, it is quite overwhelming the amount of men of the millenial generation that almost pay closer attention to their appearance that they do that of women. It's almost to the point of narcicissm - dare I say. The worst part is, this self love that borderlines on ego does not even mean that ...

Is marriage a waste of time?

Let's face it this new generation of sarcastic go-getters are not in any way interested in the act. It's almost like millennials see it as a death sentence. Is it that the example set by those before us was so bad, it completely traumatized the millennial generation. And if so, can it now be considered a waste of time? 

"What is marriage? 
Marriage is the coming together of two individuals that love each other, vowing to God and the world to spend the rest of their life together till death do them part. "

As far as we see it marriage like most things in life is an inevitable necessity. If you want to have a long and fulfilling life with someone and build a family with them, to include in that life with them a marriage to them will only make things that much more real and genuine. Most people often see it as something that make the woman feel safe in a relationship, but we think it also benefits the man and his security and well being in the relationship. 

What do you all think? Is marriage a lost cause or something that millennials need to warm up to again and prepare for in the future.


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