Things Millenial men do that annoy women

Men just like women evolve with every generation, some for the better and some for the worse. This article is a fun look into some things the men of the millenial generation do to annoy the women that may or even may not be interested in them and soemtimes even dating them. This is a completely subjective view and may vary female to female. But hey anything to help men get some insite into how they can better finess their ways into a woman's heart helps, correct! So, without further adue, here are a few things men of the millenial generation do to annoy women: They are a bit too shallow Now, this is seriously something that can go both ways across the gender annoyance scale, however, it is quite overwhelming the amount of men of the millenial generation that almost pay closer attention to their appearance that they do that of women. It's almost to the point of narcicissm - dare I say. The worst part is, this self love that borderlines on ego does not even mean that ...

A sucker for punishment! ....SIGH! (Is he cheating?!)

I once had a female friend that loved coming to me to blow off steam about her relationship that she was in at the time. She would say, she's fed up and would break up with the guy almost every evening. Sad thing is all he had to do was come to her with some sad story and lame excuse as to why he was doing whatever made her upset and she would take him right back. 

One day, she went over to his home, where he lived with his mum still (mind you we are all in our late twenties here), and she found a female thong that quite clearly didn't belong to her, asked him about it and he proceeded to explain he had no idea where it came from and it must be someone else's (funny tid-bit, this guys lives only with his mum and no one else) -so naturally she got very upset and was asking him how a size small underwear could belong to his size large mum. For which he had no explanation. 

Now, this story above is just one of a trillion that I will be putting out there in an effort to stop the madness. Women (especially young ones with their entire lives ahead of them, really need to stop wasting time on guys that clearly are trying to waste their time and make fools of them. 

Here's a helpful tip:

If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, more than likely it's not a cat!, It's probably a duck. 

Please feel free to weight in on this in the comments below, we would love to read your opinions.


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